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Writer's pictureMike Craig

In All Things: Love God

I know the joy of the Lord.


I actively participate in my church and regularly meet with a community of believers. I spend time with God in prayer, Bible reading, and morning devotions or writings. I don’t share any of that to boast, but to say that I have deeply experienced the love and joy that comes from having a close relationship with our loving God.


However, I have also experienced the reverse effect that comes from spending too much time in the world. When I constantly absorb myself in the world’s news, opinions, and attitudes, it begins to rub off on me. I have realized that I sometimes lose my joy as I involve myself in worldly things. Sometimes, I even experience anxiety when facing the many different opinions and dissension going on around us daily.


Most recently, politics has been a hot topic in America, causing anxiety and sometimes anger. We, as Christians, should be different from the world. The last Biblical Sense post, written by Nickolai Lanier, “In the Wake of Election Change, The Gospel Remains the Same,” provides a great example of how to depend on and represent Christ in trying times, such as the current political season. We can look around and see how easy it is to become fraught with worries and concerns when we are not finding our peace solely in our Savior, Jesus Christ.


In my life, I have committed to live for the Lord in everything I do. I’ve experienced many trials and tribulations and know there are no easy layups. There has never been a time I could accurately say, “I’ve got this one, Lord, I don’t need Your help.” Whenever I try to do it on my own, I have discovered time and time again that I need God in everything, even my thought life. Without relying on God, I often make a mess of everything.

Best Friend Forever

Pat (my wife) and I have been home group leaders at our church for over ten years. Our church is on the edge of a university campus, so our home group (HG) consists of college students and young professionals. Pat and I have learned a lot of acronyms and slang we knew nothing about before moving here.


In one of my early meetings with the guys from HG, one of the guys referred to another of the guys as his “BFF.” I did not want to break the flow of the conversation, so I went on for a while before I found out he was loosely using the acronym for “best friend forever.” I was surprised and confused because the two guys were not that close. I decided not to take all the acronyms too seriously.


However, this made me think…who is truly your best friend forever? I’ve had some very good friends, but I have said Pat was my best friend for many years. However, I now consider her my second “best friend” because I have grown closer to God, who has always loved me more than anyone else.


With Jesus, I have someone who wants me to return His great love so I can truly be His friend. In John 15:12-15 (below), Jesus talks of how He loves us so much that He laid down His life for His friends. So, He first loved us, but if we love and obey Him, we are His friend through eternity. In this same passage, He gives a great commandment to love one another as He has loved us. He loved us enough to die for us and wants us to love others with the same type of love. That means I need to love and rely more on my friend Jesus so I can love others as He would have me love them. It is a “wow!” moment when I stop and think about Jesus wanting me as His friend.


“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

You are my friends if you do what I command you.

No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.

(John 15:12-15, ESV) (emphasis added)


Small Things

As I was thinking about living differently and loving Jesus as my friend, it hit me that I need the Triune God, even in the small things. I’ve often experienced things like a simple conversation turning into an argument, leading to anger, painful words, and severed ties. Sadly, this happens often among Christians. When I look back at many of the conversations and relationships that failed in my life, it is obvious that I wasn’t prepared. I should have prayed to be a good witness and sought the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and guidance prior to the encounter, and with silent prayers whenever I’m meeting with someone. Failed conversations and relationships are only one example. Whatever the situation, we can’t make it work on our own. The problem often gets worse and isn’t handled in a way that honors God.


Jesus' nail-scarred hand holding onto someone else's

As my love grows for Jesus and my relationship with Him has become closer, I have begun seeing things differently. I have a drawing hanging in my office. It’s a picture of one nail-scarred hand reaching down and holding another hand. The verse I have attached to this drawing is Isaiah 41:13 (ESV), “For I am the Lord your God, who upholds your right hand. Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.’”


I have had this drawing for 15 years. I’ve thought of this verse and drawing as meaning that Jesus will be there and save me when I am in a very desperate situation. Lately, my thoughts about it have been changing. I have started asking questions before I give it to God. “Can I really do this day on my own?” “Am I capable of taking on the unexpected?” The unexpected road rage moment when someone is upset with me; the unexpected conversation around politics or other hot topics; the unexpected lust or other bad thoughts?


No, I need Him every step of the way, holding my hand as I walk through all aspects of life. I should forever hold tightly to His right hand in everything I do. And when I can’t hold on, He holds me fast.


What would it look like if we started every day asking God for protection in the unexpected events as well as the expected ones? I have realized that I can’t wait for some other Christian to be the difference or be the one who represents Jesus and lives boldly for Him. I need to be the difference, even if no one else around me joins in. I desire to finish out this year loving and obeying the Lord, even amid the chaos that might be happening around me.


Jesus's nail-scarred hand

As the end of the year and trying holiday times approach, I am setting a goal for myself, and I encourage you to consider this, too. My goal is to love Jesus and to love like He loves as well.

I want to value what He values and have the courage to live a life that honors Him, even if it contradicts what is considered “normal.” I want to keep my focus on Him rather than the world’s drama, trauma, and troubles. Lastly, I want to put Him first in my life above all things and let my love for Him flow from my heart through my words and actions. I want to speak with love about issues others speak about with hate, and may I be the example that those around me need.

My Prayer: Praise You, God the Father, Son, and Spirit who loves us with the greatest love. You, the sinless, died for the sinful. We can now be counted as righteous. Sinner that I am, I will follow and obey You, Jesus! I am excited to recognize that You see me as Your “friend,” and I will continue as Your friend as I grow closer to You. I pray that I will love and rely on You in all things, including the small and the unexpected.


May I continue Your love for others by being Christ-like in how I see and treat those around me. I will do this by reading Your Word and seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. I praise and thank You, God, for your abundant grace and mercy. In Your Name, Amen.


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